Can Yoga Help with Symptoms of Depression?

It’s no secret that exercising can be good for not just your physical health, but also your mental health. There is more to yoga than just stretching your body or getting strong. 

You’ve heard of yoga providing physical benefits, but what about the mental side? According to the Harvard Mental Health Letter, studies have suggested that yoga can help with symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve energy levels, reduce stress, and provide relaxation/meditation. 

If you experience low energy or difficulty concentrating, yoga poses paired with breathing exercises and meditation can be naturally helpful, according to Healthline.

Yoga is not a substitute for seeking mental health treatment or guidance, but can be a natural way to help ease symptoms. Focusing on the breath and reducing your resting heart rate can help ease symptoms of anxiety. It is said that people with depression can experience elevated levels of cortisol, a stress hormone. With that being said, it has been shown in studies that people who practice yoga experience reduced cortisol levels. Another symptom of depression is loss of motivation. Yoga can be a gentle introduction to exercise for those experiencing low motivation, according to The Minded Institute. 

Have you tried practicing yoga to improve your mental health? Every one is different and requires specific treatment that works for them, however, yoga is highly inclusive and can be shown to benefit almost anyone!