Create Healthy Goals to Combat Grief

Grief is a natural reaction to loss. But intense grief can become debilitating, and it will start to affect your quality of life. Maybe you’re sleeping too much or not at all. Or maybe you’ve lost your appetite and have gained weight. 

Maybe you feel like you’re in a fog that won’t go away. If this sounds like what you’re experiencing, know that there are things you can do to help cope with the pain. 

To get started, read on for some ways that grieving people have found useful in managing their grief and moving forward with their everyday lives.

Set New Goals

If you’re grieving, it can seem overwhelming to set goals. It is an essential step toward healing. Here are some helpful steps that will assist you in setting healthy and meaningful goals for your grief.

  • Write down some ways you can improve your life
  • Set manageable goals and expectations for yourself
  • Be consistent with your plan, even if it is difficult at times

Accept That You’re Grieving

The first step in coping with intense grief is to accept that you’re grieving. It’s easy to fall into the trap of fighting your feelings and telling yourself that you should be over it by now. 

But this will only prolong your grieving process and make it more difficult for you to move on. Instead, try to understand what you’re feeling and let yourself feel it. 

You’ll be surprised at how much better you’ll feel when you give yourself permission to experience these emotions without judgment.

Prioritize Healthy Living

Most of us have experienced some form of grief in our lives. It’s not easy to grieve, whether it’s the loss or death of a family member or a job loss. The grieving process is unique for each person, but there are common truths that we can all agree on.

Many people feel lost and confused and often have more questions than answers. This can lead to sadness and emptiness.

We all know how difficult it is to take care of yourself and your health when you are grieving. If you don’t take good care of your health now, it will be harder to do so later.

Know Your Stressors

One of the most important steps in overcoming grief is to identify your stressors. You can begin to eliminate triggers once you have identified them.

Moreover, consider starting a journal to keep track of your feelings and emotions. This is an excellent way to get your thoughts in front of you so that you can start working on your grief.

Also, make it a point to seek local grief support groups where you live. This will give you a chance to share what’s on your mind and learn effective strategies from others.

Adopt a Pet

If you’re feeling lonely after the loss of a loved one, consider adopting a pet. This will give you a companion to look after and care for. And in doing so, you will distract yourself from the grief you’re feeling.

There is a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment you get when caring for an animal friend. As an added bonus, make it a point to take your pet to the park or for a walk in the woods. Getting in touch with nature will go a long way in healing your pain.

Grieving is a difficult and often debilitating process. Use the tips above to cope with and get through the pain you’re feeling. 

Vikara Village is committed to empowering people to reach their full potential through mind-body practices, like movement and art. Learn more about our programs!

Written by Camille Johnson of